Creative life guidance
centering racially
marginalized artists

  • Personal phone sessions

  • Wild Blackberry Playshops



Warm welcome. I am honored to guide and nurture your creative life (writing, in particular) through unscripted, organically flowing 60- and 90-minute personal phone sessions. As an aspect of my lifelong calling of freedom work to overcome oppression, I hold space in particular for racially marginalized artists. All are welcome. This is not clinical therapy. It is not life coaching. This is a unique heart and soul work, led by you, with me as your compassionate, intuitive listener and guide. Together, we garden the spiritual, emotional, holistic aspects of your journey so that you may bloom into your creative and relational wholeness and healing.

I will not dictate to you what you need to do with your creative life. What I will do is listen. Compassionately. Empathically. Intuitively. With a Loving heart. Without judgement, expectation, or predetermined clinical or theoretical bias. I will honor your truth by receiving it with my heart, compassion, sensitivity, and experience. In response, I will share ideas, insights, and approaches.

Our objective is to help you clarify, fertilize, and renew your creative gifts and callings.

I value that you feel safe, affirmed, and assured. Our energy together can be lighthearted, humorous, and hopeful. I am conscious of using my own voice as an instrument to bring you calm, stillness, and peace.

You direct the journey. I support your direction.


Your experience with Birthing Life phone sessions depends largely on your willingness to engage in this process. Our phone sessions offer no miracle transformation. I can promise to listen deeply and with compassion, to support you, and to do my very best to understand your creative reality, as well as to help you clarify your priorities and path. Always feel free to discuss any of this with me at any time.

CLEARLY STATE YOUR NEEDS: Prior to our first phone session, reflect on what it is you hope I can help you with and any helpful background details that may provide me insight. The clearer you can be with your objectives and needs, the more I can be of help.

BE HONEST: The more honest you can be with yourself and me, the more progress we can make in illuminating the aspects of your creative life you care to address. I will honor and respect all that you share with me.

HONOR OUR MUTUAL PRIVACY: I will audio record our sessions on my end to provide you with an audio journal that you can return to as you desire. This exchange depends on my ability to trust that you will keep our recordings in confidence and privacy. Bless you.


  • Serves as your own private, personal, individualized work/play shop for your creative life.

  • No worrying about preparing yourself to be on video. Tech-free, pajama friendly conversation and collaboration.

  • Receive soulful feedback on your relationship with your creative life. Not editing, proofing, critiquing, or correction. My focus is on highlighting, celebrating, and nourishing the beauty, power, fertility, and promise already alive in your creative relationship.

  • A more thoughtful, relaxed way of receiving guidance, nurturing, encouragement, affirmation, and support.

  • Grow your self expression and inner awareness, and clarify your creative life journey going forward.

  • Grow your creative voice. Release stress. Calm anxiety. Empower your well being.

  • Revitalize your creative creative life purpose, passion, and peace.

  • Develop skills and ways of seeing, feeling, and being that support your creative life passion.



In contrast to typical “workshops,” our creative writing and creative life playshops, centering racially marginalized writers and welcoming all, allow you to playfully explore with others your relationship with your creative writing and creative life in a unique group experience. Our three-hour playshops include:

  • Jaiya sharing thoughts and guidance on your relationship with your creative writing and creative life.

  • Group conversations about your relationship with your creative writing and creative life.

  • Group micro-writing exercises and peer sharing.

  • Personal practice ideas and invitations.

  • Exploring ways to face your fears, overcome mental blocks, discover or polish your unique voice and language, and grow freedom in your writing and creative life crafts.


Your experience with our Wild Blackberry playshops depends largely on your willingness to engage in the process. Our playshops offer no miracle transformation. I cannot promise that your creative writing or creative life will change. I can promise to listen deeply and with compassion, to support you, and to do my very best to understand your creative reality, as well as to help you clarify your priorities and path. Always feel free to discuss any of this with me at any time.


  • Serves as your own group master class in creative writing and creative life.

  • Receive soulful feedback on your relationship with your creative writing and creative life. Not editing, proofing, or correction. Our focus is on highlighting, celebrating, and nourishing the beauty, power, fertility, and promise already alive in your creative relationship.

  • A safe, supportive, playful, nurturing, affirming way of exploring your relationship with your writing and creativity.

  • Grow your self expression and inner awareness, and clarify your writing and creativity journey going forward.

  • Grow your writing and creativity voice. Release stress. Calm anxiety. Empower your well being.

  • Revitalize your creative writing and creative life purpose, passion, and peace.

  • Develop skills and ways of seeing, feeling, and being that support your creative writing and creative life passion.

Gathering with Jaiya John for the Wild Blackberry Creative Writing Playshop was an incredibly enlivening and potent experience, one that continues to feed me generously today. Jaiya has an eloquent, ancestrally fluent, and deeply authentic way of creating houses of belonging for diverse and communal spaces - he really knows how to coax the inherent genius that lives within folks to pour forth. His faithfulness to the Sacred translates into powerful transmissions that are such well-needed medicine for these times, both healing and transformative on so many levels. I am so grateful for any offerings that Jaiya puts out into the world. For me, he is an essential mystic, baba, and spiritual teacher for the critical times we find ourselves in globally. Ever grateful to you, Jaiya.
— Alexandre Jodun
The playshop was phenomenal for me! I can’t wait for the next playshop/ reading/ event! You are truly inspirational! From my Soul, thank you for this release! Overcoming my shyness and writers block was an unexpected, but immensely life changing, result from taking only one single Blackberry Writers Workshop with Dr. Jaiya John. Feeling safe enough to share my work was a blessing, and I thank you for providing such an inspirational space for self expression. The newfound flow of words and ideas has been so exciting, it’s like finally scratching the itch that has been bothering you for a lifetime! I can’t seem to put my pen down! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!
— Windy Wertenberger
Since the writing playshop, our lives have been transforming in beautiful waves. My dreams are so vivid and the pen is MOVING. Thank you for guiding us to our own paths of inspiration.
— Paul Bentz
Each of these ceremonies has been so filled with tears, belly laughs, goosebumps of awe and truth and heartbreak, beauty and tenderness and hope and homefulness. Your writing reshapes me daily. Coaxes my inner-mystic back out from behind the veils of forgetting. Thank you for your presence in this world, at this time. I just have to say, and I pause, and say this out loud three times with my arms wide open. “Jaiya John, you light me up!” Your words, and your presence and the gatherings have changed me. I feel like I am drawn deeper into essence in your presence. Essence of unique genius, of love, of art- essence of what feeds life and heals. Essence of freedom. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the soul water. May more and more drink from this well. I think “dear artist” has made it to the top of my “most given away book” list. Right next to Martin Prechtel’s Rescuing the Light and Francis Weller’s Wild Edge of Sorrow. I am here to learn from you. My beloved, Erin and I both feel so grateful to be alive at the same time as you, are spread the seeds of your words everywhere we go. I feel I am being mentored daily, every time I open a book, or your presence comes to mind. The thread you are following feels like the medicine for these times, and I would love to support and be part of your brave revolution. WIth much love and gratitude.
— Carl Rabke



Please allow me to be as clear as possible: As an Indigenous soul, my life calling is to be of service to freedom from caste system oppression. Thank you for honoring that while I invite and embrace all souls into these experiences, I hold this space in particular for those people who, due to race, experience the lifelong impact of generational, ongoing oppression, silencing, devaluation, and lack of access. Also, I work from an Indigenous perspective, value system, and way of life. Thank you for your sensitivity, humility, and grace in honoring these truths, whether or not your own lived experience leads you to understand them.


Your investments allow me to offer these services to those who would not otherwise be able to afford it. This is how we behave in Indigenous, communal ways, sharing our resources so that the whole circle may be fed and well. When the whole is good, the elements of the whole are good. YOU MAY ALSO GIFT THESE EXPERIENCES to others, especially to racially marginalized youth and young adults.

Please use the form to reach out to me below for questions and further details. I will do my best to respond swiftly. Please take wonderful care and may you feel the endless miracles blooming in your soul….