Book/poetry readings
with book signings

Keynotes, talks, playshops

Podcast guest appearances

Medicine circle gatherings


Over a million souls spoken to worldwide
Audiences as large as several thousand

“My lifelong burning and calling is collective freedom
from the sickness of supremacy and inferiority.
Freedom from oppression.
Freedom to live a beautiful life.”

In the beginning, two spirits roamed every soul. One was Love. The other, fear. Fear, being restless and insecure, mutated into two other spirits, supremacy and inferiority. Both of these would inhabit every human soul and space, forever. Waiting. To be fed.

Food, water, and shelter are nothing if the one being fed, watered, and sheltered is immersed in the profound suffering that is poverty of the soul. I am grateful to carry out the humanitarian work of feeding souls the bread and breath of Love, compassion, and hope.

In an often dehumanizing world, Soul Water Rising is a global rehumanizing mission stirring the soul to remember itself, and devoted to eradicating oppression. We support the healing and freedom journeys of historically dehumanized populations and cultures. We honor womanhood and fatherhood. And we treat the sickness of racial and cultural supremacies wherever they exist.

I am excited to join you in your community for keynotes and talks during which I read from my collection of books and unpublished work, bringing to life the spirit of the medicine words. I say reading, though incantation and prayer are truer. Thematically, these readings are on collective freedom, and take on the flavor of each audience from gathering to gathering. A rich weaving of cultural fabric. These gatherings center Indigenous, marginalized, dehumanized people and communities, and are remembrance songs, bringing us back to our Indigenous ancestral ways of gathering and being together. As this tour is part of my global Soul Water Rising rehumanizing mission, we stir the soul to remember itself as we garden our collective liberation and the end of oppressive systems and ways of life. My life’s work and these readings address the spiritual, social, psychological, cultural, ancestral, and Indigenous aspects of the human condition in the context of freedom work to overcome and heal from historical systemic oppression.

I am also honored to include, at some of the gatherings, live Sacred Conversations with revolutionary souls who inspire me. During these gatherings, I also commune with the audience in questions and conversation. And we build into this healing experience what we are calling Aftercare. After the reading, we care for each other as I make myself available for sacred listening and embraces, tears and laughter, photos, and book collection sales and signing. Sometimes, this fellowship will include light food and libations.

As a part of Soul Water Rising's Book Angel Project, whether or not you attend a particular gathering, you have the opportunity to purchase books that we then gift to vulnerable souls with whom we gather along the tour.

The Gathering is a people's freedom movement. The tour is happening in cafés, bookstores, libraries, prisons, hospitals, shelters, community centers, women's centers, college campuses, HBCU's, Indigenous communities, art galleries, art studios, museums, parks, amphitheaters, auditoriums, theaters, festivals, and stadiums. Call out to us. We go where we are called.

You play an organic role in this. If you desire for the tour to come your way, email us through the button below. You can help us identify aligned venues, communities, and audiences.

Tour dates and locations are announced on a rolling calendar as sites are secured. This tour is a culmination, crystallizing, and new season of my life's journey, work, and calling. I am awed and enchanted to read for you and embrace you in a healing way.

We will see each other soon, in Love, at The Gathering.

Big Love,


The Gathering, World poetry reading tour launch, Luna Vortex, Los Angeles, February 2, 2024.


Your powerful presentations, genuine kindness, and compassion to our students and staff resonated throughout. Personally, it lifted my spirits and energy to continue the quest. I have listened to many presentations in the 20+ years of my educational experience and believe the presentation you gave to our students during the Hunger Banquet exceeded all of them in power, inspiration, and wisdom. I felt I was in the presence of some of the great figures of our global history, and as I reflected on the evening I imagined it must have been similar to hearing Martin Luther King, Jr. or Nelson Mandela. I genuinely mean every word.
— Trent Derrick, Administrator, Lakeland High School, Rathdrum, Idaho

Jaiya John speaks from his heart (which is a deep and boundless well) and then fills in the background and spaces in between with shades and colors of his soul. His ability to reach out and touch individuals both young and old, professionals and seekers, the wounded and the healers is a testament to the gifts that he shares so easily but have been developed over time and nurtured by experience. Every time I have had the pleasure to hear him speak to large audiences or read his words and poetry in solitary moments, I am thankful for the existence of Jaiya John in my universe.
— Thomas M. Sodergren, Co-Chair, Third Annual International Child and Youth Care Network World Conference

I heard Jaiya John speak at a Foster Care Conference in Orlando, Florida. Jaiya spoke in a dynamic way that captured the attention of his audience. After hearing him speak, I was determined to bring him to Bermuda to talk to and inspire our dedicated foster parents. Jaiya was a motivator and inspired our foster parents! Many stood in line afterwards to meet him, talk to him and purchase his book. Jaiya dialogued with many, patiently listened to several foster parents' experiences. I would recommend him for any keynote address.
— Selena M. Simons, Bermuda Dept. of Child and Family Services

Dr. Jaiya John moved our conference attendees to tears and belly laughs, inspired deep conversation about the spirit of our work and the precious human connection restorative justice practices afford us. His generosity of time and soul continue to weave into reflections of our conference well after the event. Our gratitude for his presence is endless.
— Deb Witzel, Supervisor, Probation & Restorative Justice Practices, State of Colorado

Excitement permeates the atmosphere whenever the community hears that Jaiya John is returning to San Bernardino! This is because we know that Jaiya is not just coming to do a “keynote.” Jaiya’s messages provide validation, inspiration, encouragement, and most of all hope to all who listen. He has the gift of being able to touch the hearts and heal the souls of young and old. Our vast network of educators and human service professionals makes sure that Jaiya John is scheduled to speak at least once per year in San Bernardino, California.
— Bernadette "Bunny" Pinchback, Manager, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools

Jaiya is a truly peaceful presence who brought a breath of fresh air to our managers' retreat. His talk was not only inspirational and heartening, but deeply empathic. Our group had a sense that he was talking with each of us one on one and I heard conversations pop up all around the office in the weeks following our retreat revealing that his words resonated with many who were present. Personally, I came away from the session rejuvenated, and I'm so grateful our group had a chance to experience this energizing soul share some of his insight!
— Aleta Lynch, Arizona Dept. of Child Safety

Your natural gift of connecting through empathy was very reassuring to me. I wept as I listened to you recite your poem I Call You Legendary.
— Orlinda Douglas, Dine (Navajo) Nation Division of Social Services

I really do not have words to thank you for sharing your amazing loving energy with us at the conference. I can imagine that you have this experience often that people just want to be in your presence, as it is full of loving spirit.
— Holli Sanger, Arizona Dept. of Economic Security, DCYF

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday and feel the depth of your presence. You are a powerful spirit with an amazing message to share. I sat beside 2 young clinicians on my plane ride back, and they stated how reinvigorated they were in their practice from your presentation alone.
— Julie Barr, MFT, Lincoln Child Center, Oakland, California

You so beautifully, artfully and wonderfully expressed why I, and so many of my colleagues over the years, do this work! I was nearly in tears, you were so moving.
— Celeste D. Thompson, MFT and Social Worker, New Mexico

I absolutely love coming to your seminars and feel that my soul has been nourished when I leave.
— Carolyn Cicotte, Clinical Supervisor, Children and Family Services, Contra Costa County

The first time I heard Jaiya John was at a seminar regarding foster youth. I was at the ready to take notes in my seat but soon put down my pen and listened....captured by the depth of what I was hearing. I was transported to forty years earlier. Thoughts, feelings and emotions racing through me that I had not considered since adolescence. Jaiya John can reach our foster youth like no other. Jaiya John is a healer of the soul. He not only relates with the youth during his presentation, but, sincerely and truly interacts with them after on a personal level. I have personally observed him signing books and talking with the youth three hours after an event. When Jaiya sees them again he knows them. They follow his word...and they know him. Over the last decade we have engaged Jaiya as a keynote speaker every year and the message and reaction is always nourishing. In my business career I was blessed to hear top speakers that changed the trajectory of peoples lives. Jaiya John does this with a new refreshed message each time. We are fortunate to have his commitment and inspiration available to all. We are the better for it.
— Lynda D. Bowman, Foster Youth Advocate

This was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. I have heard lectures, and teachings. But what is so amazing is to see it with my own eyes, someone who came from a deep abyss of experiences and now is full of peace, Love, goodness and so much gratitude. Nothing like seeing a living example of healing and growth. This was by far the most amazing spiritual experience of my life.
— Omnia Banoub, County of Napa Social Services Agency

What an amazing gift you gave to everyone and such a refreshing way to start a brand new calendar year! The hustle and bustle of people finding their seats and greeting coworkers faded away as you began your greetings to us. The “workplace” kind of energy was replaced with peace. I felt myself breathing deeper and relaxing as you continued your talk. I realized that you were cultivating the very same loving kindness and compassion I had experienced before. Your talk was so very reminiscent of when Tibetan monks graced the Napa Valley with a visit in 2003. In the presence of the monks, as well as when you spoke, the meeting room was transformed from a work place to a gathering of people, a tribe if you will, with one goal in mind. Peace for everyone, compassion for all. You are such a sincere individual, a charismatic leader, and despite incredible hardships in your life, someone who has achieved iconic status in his commitment to spreading love and understanding around the world. It was like a soft, warm blanket had been gently placed around my shoulders. Clearly you are moved by spirit; I can hear that in your words and feel the loving kindness that emanates from your heart. I believe one of the most powerful and wonderful ways that you communicated was with humor. Your humor brought everyone together in laughter. I am sure that wherever you go, you bring spontaneity and joy. I believe we all left with a lighter heart. Thank you, Jaiya, for reminding me to start every day with a grateful heart and to include love, compassion and joy in each breath.
— Joanie Freethy, Napa County HHSA

I had heard Jaiya speak only once before, in Austin, Texas, at a seminar for professionals working with troubled and troubling children. His words were inspirational and true, deftly tapping into the core of who we all are as human beings in spite of our age, gender, ethnicity, religion, or political persuasion. I made the decision then, that if I ever had an opportunity to engage a speaker for another event, it would be Jaiya John!

That opportunity came when Cal Farley’s was celebrating its 70th anniversary of caring for children at Boys Ranch, Texas. There was no doubt in my mind who I would be asking to speak, and Jaiya accepted the invitation. Prior to the evening event with major contributors to our non-profit organization, Jaiya took the opportunity to join me for a trip to Boys Ranch so he could address the youth directly… it mattered to him to immerse himself in our culture, in our values, in our mission.

Youth do not live at Boys Ranch because of something they did wrong, but because of life circumstances that don’t allow them to live with their own families… this can often times leave them troubled or troubling. Jaiya, was able to create an immediate connection with these youngsters, using examples from his own life to them where they were in their lives, in a manner in which hurting children could hear. And, he was able to inspire the same passion with an audience of sponsors and donors that evening, with an equally compelling message conveyed in a manner that adults could hear.

Therein resides the gift of Jaiya John. He has an uncanny ability to adapt his presentation and his style to the audience he is addressing, never compromising on the values that underpin his message. He is a master of using his larger than life persona and his words to draw an audience in and engage them in a way that they feel rejuvenated when the event is over. Jaiya is the genuine article… an amazing man with a wonderful gift!!
— Dan Adams, President & CEO, Cal Farley's, Amarillo, Texas